What a month it's been. Rain, floods and a heatwave. We certainly do know how to do weather here in the UK. One minute waterproofs, next shorts and t-shirts. We don't know if we are dressing for a storm or a scorcher.
It's definitely been a scorcher in my new art studio space, which is now housed in an attic room at home.
What a time to move up.
My art studio has never been in the same place for very long and the swapping and changing around is not conducive to keeping the creative flow rolling along.
Hopefully now, unless I move house, it is settled in it's new home.
The electrician will be along next week to change out the lights, but for the moment they are fine. Even if they do look like large silver spiders lowering themselves from the ceiling.
I've decided to start small in the new work area and have been doing a few mini paintings.
The new artwork will be framed and ready to hang but I have been pondering over whether or not to add glazing.
At the moment the jury is still out but I think I may go without. If I do use glass with the new frames there is the possibility of it getting broken when posting the paintings out.
I also quite like the look without the glazing but of course it all depends were they will be hung when they leave me.
Decisions, decisions. Too much thinking, not enough painting.
Talking of posting out. No more storing boxes, cardboard and packing materials in the 'cardboard shed' I now have a designated packing station, previously known as the garage, where I can happily leave everything where it needs to be.