This newsletter is very late and I really have no excuse other than I had little to write about. Or more to the point nothing to report that I thought would be of interest to anyone other than myself.
I have been busy painting Nottingham scenes for an exhibition in Spring 2016 at Focus gallery, Nottingham. I will also be producing a range of art cards that will complement the paintings shown.
I am still painting London scenes and have been down to the Capital a few times on photo shoots.
Of course this summer has been less than kind in regards good weather. Grey skies do not a good photo make. Grey skies do not a happy artist make either.
Moving on…
I did go and have a look at Art in the Gardens in Sheffield. It was a really good day and the sun shone too. A brilliant array of work on show.
I am tempted to participate at this event next year. I will be applying for a stand at Patchings art festival for next years event when they send out the invitations.
I have been looking at a few other place too.
In a couple of weeks I am going to check out The Other Art Fair in London as a possible venue for next year.
In the meantime my small artists studio is bursting at the seams and encroaching too much on my personal house space. I have decided I really need a bigger space so a garden studio seems the way to go.
That sounds rather grande but basically it’s a big insulated shed with electrics.
I hope to remember to take photos of the build.
So folks until I have more news I leave you with a new but slightly different painting.
Emerald sea – boy with fishes