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Florence Biennale

Some of you may have noticed that my last blog was a little early.

Now of course this one is a little late Don’t panic I’m not going to be publishing more per month. It was a slip of the finger. I wrote the blog while I had something to say, with the intention of publishing it with any necessary amendments on the due date. Unfortunately Preview and Publish sit very close to each other and I pressed the wrong button. Then I had A MOMENT, you know the one, when you’ve just pressed send after writing a text message and suddenly you realise you didn’t want it to go.

There is NO getting it back. Text, blog, e-mail. Once it’s gone it’s out there, you can press as many buttons as you want. It ain’t coming back.

In future, I will be writing my thoughts down in text edit or similar and then transferring to the blog when I’m good and ready. The down side to this is I have to type it out all again as cut and paste will not function. Maybe I need to upgrade !

Art Guru Barney Davey I hadn’t heard of this guy until recently and now I’m an avid follower of his blog.

It is actually more interesting than the title might suggest and it doesn’t just cover art prints. If your an artist I suggest you have a look.  You may find out something you didn’t know.

If you only read one then try this Power of the Backstory. I never really gave it a thought before but it does make sense.

Hopefully I may be able to incorporate some storytelling in with my art.

Don't hold your breathe though.

Florence Biennale

The day after my last blog was published there was a email of interest dropped in my box.

Not many people email me directly from my website so that alone caught my attention.

‘The International Biennial of Contemporary Art in Florence has the pleasure to inform you that you have been selected by the International Selections Committee to participate in the X Edition of the Florence Biennale will be held October 17 to 25, 2015 at the historic venue, the Fortezza da Basso in heart of the city.’

It’s a trade show for artists, but by invitation only.

Now what I need to know, is have any of you been to this and what did you think of it. ? More importantly have any of you, artists reading this, participated and was it worth the expense. ?


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